WELCOME TO YOUR 12 Days of Fitmas Workout!
This holiday-themed HIIT workout will leave you feeling fit, strong, and proud of yourself.
Why create a special holiday workout? Well, first: because it’s FUN.
And even more importantly, keeping your activity level up over the holidays will help you:
- Sleep better
- Fight off colds & other illnesses
- Feel more upbeat & relaxed
- Have more energy
This workout is done to the format of The 12 Days of Christmas song.
Here’s how it works:
There are 12 rounds … and every round, you add a new exercise that corresponds to the day it represents in the song.
So, for round 1, you would do 1 minute of jump rope (do “pretend” jump roping if you don’t one).
Round 2 you would do 2 push-ups + 1 minute of jump rope.
Round 3 would be 3 lunges (each side) + 2 push-ups + 1 minute of jump rope … all the way to round 12, where you’ll do the whole thing from day 12 through day 1.
Listen to your body and take breaks as needed!