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The Weekly Ritual

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The weekly ritual is one of the most important aspects to implement with habits-based coaching. It is often one of the biggest factors in whether I (or my nutrition clients) succeed in the upcoming week with regard to making healthy choices consistently.

Find the day that works for your schedule. For me and most others, this is Sunday. Although, I primarily use the routine to ensure I have appropriate protein and carbs prepared and do so when needed. Things can get tricky with other hungry mouths wandering around at home … we have three children. Plan to prepare enough of what is needed, but don’t worry if things get off track. Too little? Just make more, it will be quicker the second time, or an opportunity to try a variation. Too much? Freeze for later.

The more you plan ahead, as well as having healthy options available and ready, you will be able to be much more consistent.

“Selective Willpower” + Supportive Environments + Healthy Routines = #SUCCESS

Planning for your main meals is what most of us get used to first. Try to take it to the next level and make up a weekly healthy Snack Bucket. Take it to where you need it. For me it is at the office (gym)

Here are some ideas:
• veggies
• fruit
• mixed nuts + seeds
• yogurt or cheese
• homemade bars
• hard boiled eggs
• etc. …
basically a mix of healthy(ish) options to grab at work that can vary seasonally and works for my body and eating schedule.

Your ritual doesn’t have to be just food / meal prep. Apply to any areas of your life and rountine that will help save you time and stress.

I do this with clothing. It is certainly comfortable to be in “workout“ clothes most of the day. I keep at least a weeks worth packed away at the office / gym. You can establish a routine that works for you by simply planning what outfits you plan to wear each day. Every week can be like planning for a vacation get-away … as long as that doesn’t stress you out.

Now just get the outfits and snacks where you need them each week to keep it easy and rountine. All set with everything needed to be successful for the week. Whether you workout in the morning, afternoon or evening may determine where best to have your items for the week. Once you get through your first week you will have it figured out. Taking these steps will reduce stress related to making decisions and making time to get things done, less decision fatigue.

I hope this idea might inspire some of you to think about getting your own Healthy Snack Bucket ready and work clothes picked out as you head into your next week. I can guarantee after years of doing this that it increases efficiency, decreases decision fatigue, and ensures that you’re set up for a great week of positive self-care habits.

Stay healthy + happy!